Aux. Coolant Tanks, ECM Babysitters, and More!
HIGH PERFORMANCE DIESELS Auxiliary coolant tanks, we have talked about this several times on the radio show. It’s a cooling solution only to be used when a larger radiator is...
Andrew Wilson |
Welcome to Pittsburgh Power
HIGH PERFORMANCE DIESELS Auxiliary coolant tanks, we have talked about this several times on the radio show. It’s a cooling solution only to be used when a larger radiator is...
Andrew Wilson |
It’s that time of year again, winter is over, and our trucks have suffered from the ingestion of road salt (sodium and magnesium chloride) spray into the radiator and air...
Andrew Wilson |
Do you think all radiators are created equal and built to the same specifications? Please don’t ever think that. Original equipment radiators are built to the minimum requirements because the...
Andrew Wilson |
Modern Miracles BY BRUCE C. MALLINSON Chemical Engineering has come a long way during my working career. Back in the 1950s, anything made of plastic was usually of very...
Andrew Wilson |