Welcome to Pittsburgh Power

Shop Hours - Mon-Fri - 7:00 am to 3:30 pmOffice Hours - Mon-Fri - 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Certified Cummins Dealer Try our 5-3 Bundle and save money on Flashpoint and Max Mileage. Gauge Bundle and Hawk Eye specials - MARCH ONLY only! Dont miss out.


  • The Benefits of Maintenance

    It's 2010, and you have finally bought yourself that shiny new 3/4 ton Diesel-powered monster that you have wanted since you can remember. You couldn't be happier. Skip ahead ten...

    Shopify API |

  • The Passing of a Friend

    The Passing of a Friend

    It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that Pittsburgh Power announces the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Pete Sharp, on May 5, 2024. Pete's valiant fight...

    Jordan Greathouse |

  • Twisted Pair Wiring

    Twisted Pair Wiring

    It goes without saying that trucks have increased in complexity over the years. We went from engines with a handful of wires to what manufacturers call "systems," not engines. Two...

    Jordan Greathouse |

  • That's the way the DPF crumbles

    That's the way the DPF crumbles

    In a few months, we in the shop have seen the same failure on three different trucks. These engines were different model years with different after-treatment configurations. Two had a...

    Jordan Greathouse |

  • Out with the old.

    Out with the old.

    If you have been listening to The Power Hour - With Kevin Rutherford of late, you will have heard talk of our chassis dyno getting ready to have a bit...

    Jordan Greathouse |

  • Why Deletes are Bad

    Why Deletes are Bad

    Tampering with your modern engines emissions system is illegal and unnecessary. There are many reasons why someone would delete their truck. People come to assume that deleting your truck will...

    Jordan Greathouse |

  • Winter Front and S60 Smoke Issues.

    Winter Front and S60 Smoke Issues.

      Now that winter has arrived, we receive occasional calls about whether or not a winter front should be installed. You sometimes see them on trucks when driving down the...

    Jordan Greathouse |

  • See the Difference!

    See the Difference!

     Since opening up the doors to our DPF Alternatives facility, we have restored hundreds of Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) and Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Filters (DOC) to up to 99% of...

    Jordan Greathouse |

  • The Addiction of Movement

    The Addiction of Movement

            The Art of The Ride, The Thrill of the Throttle,  The Love of Movement,   The Thrill of Acceleration while going uphill ! I know my mind can...

    Jordan Greathouse |

  • Reaching out & Thermostats and Radiator Caps

    Reaching out & Thermostats and Radiator Caps

    Reaching out   Here at Pittsburgh Power, we endeavor to impart useful and accurate information to our customers, be they loyal long-time customers or drivers just starting to hear about...

    Jordan Greathouse |