Testimonials, Turbos & More
We have some exciting news regarding our Max Mileage Fuel Catalyst. We’re now bottling the product ourselves in our shop in Pittsburgh. From now on we should have no trouble...
Andrew Wilson |
Welcome to Pittsburgh Power
We have some exciting news regarding our Max Mileage Fuel Catalyst. We’re now bottling the product ourselves in our shop in Pittsburgh. From now on we should have no trouble...
Andrew Wilson |
HIGH PERFORMANCE DIESELS= If you build it right, maintain it, it just might last you a lifetime! 25 years ago, a young man from the Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania...
Aimee Killian |
HIGH PERFORMANCE DIESELS Wouldn’t it be nice if you could purchase a new truck, semi or pickup, of course with a diesel engine and not have the usual emissions-related...
Aimee Killian |
HIGH PERFORMANCE DIESELS Old School Trucking; this article is about old trucks, old ways of driving, turbo boost gauges and pyrometers, torsional dampers and one new product, Mileage Max Fuel...
Andrew Wilson |
What is a blown-up engine? Many times, we get phone calls from owner-operators and they say, “I blew up my engine.” After a few questions we find out that they...
Andrew Wilson |