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Shop Hours - Mon-Fri - 7:00 am to 3:30 pmOffice Hours - Mon-Fri - 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Certified Cummins Dealer Try our 5-3 Bundle and save money on Flashpoint and Max Mileage. Gauge Bundle and Hawk Eye specials - MARCH ONLY only! Dont miss out.

Still working on Big Cams, Thermostats, Gauges, and Fasteners

Still working on Big Cams, Thermostats, Gauges, and Fasteners

Andrew Wilson |

Several years ago we thought the mechanical Big Cam Cummins and 425B Caterpillar engines would be gone by now, but they are not.  In fact, as of this writing we have six Big Cam Cummins engines being built by their owners. We are supplying the parts, specs, and knowledge for the clients to perform the build.  These are all performance engines and we have all the parts in stock.  We have the largest inventory of Big Cam Cummins parts in North America and Pat Sharp, Pete’s twin brother, is still rebuilding the fuel pumps, injectors, turbochargers, accessory drive assemblies, and oil pumps.  Pat has been here performing the same great work for 36 years and has built more Cummins PT fuel pumps than anyone in the history of Cummins engines.  Between Pete, Brian, Shawn, Pat, and me we have 158+ years of Big Cam Cummins experience. Back when this great engine was popular, we had a small shop and were always busy with the Big Cam Cummins.  

Many of you know I prefer a 180-degree stat as opposed to a 190 degree because it takes 16 degrees to fully open.  So, a 180 degree is fully open at 196 degrees, whereas the 190 degree is fully open at 206 degrees. Us old timers get nervous when the coolant temperature reaches 200 degrees so for you, we stock the 180-degree stat for Cummins Big Cams and all the Caterpillar and 60 Series Detroit engines.   For cooling we stock about 16 radiators and 35 charge air coolers.  I like having inventory, I do not want your truck tied up at my shop because we do not have a part.

Pyrometers (exhaust gas temperature gauge) are $241.61 and the turbocharger boost gauge kit is $92.97. These two gauges are a must for any turbocharged diesel engine.  Driving with the two gauges and knowing how to read them can save you up to one mile per gallon of fuel. In addition, when there is a mechanical problem they can help us determine what is wrong with your truck and what you should do to try and solve the problem. Keeping the boost gauge low while driving on the level is the key to obtaining great fuel mileage.  I have written many articles pertaining to these gauges and how to monitor them.  You will be able to find them on our website, PittsburghPower.com

Think of how many small fittings, fasteners, clamps, hoses, and wires are on your truck. It’s a lot, right? A service shop like ours with 15 bays goes through a ton of hardware in a given week. Keeping our hardware bins full is very important to us. Our representative from Lawson comes every week to restock so we know we’ll never be out. Many service shops don’t keep a good inventory of hardware because it can be costly. But if they’re working on your truck and can’t finish the job because they’re out of one small fitting, it will cost you in downtime. In fact, many of you have probably experienced delays in service because the shop had to send someone out for some fittings. We do everything we can to get your truck back on the road as soon as possible with the job done right. That’s why our service customers are very happy with us. 

October 3rd, 2020, Pittsburgh Power and our neighbors Long Haul Custom Detailing will be hosting a truck show. It’s Saturday from 9 to 5 at 3651 South Noah Drive in Saxonburg, PA. For a $20 entry fee, there will be a show n’ shine, food trucks, vendors, DJ, kids activities, and goodie bags for the owner-operators. Pittsburgh Power will have live dyno pulls so you can get your truck on a dyno for $100 off, now just $275. (Note, this is not a HP competition, so please no trucks over 1,000 HP.) We’ll also have 25% off ECM tunes. There also will be several raffles supporting local volunteer fire departments. Mark your calendars now! 

Written by;

Bruce Mallinson & Andrew Wilson

Pittsburgh Power, Inc.

3600 S. Noah Dr.,  Saxonburg, PA 16056

