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Pittsburgh Power backing will propel Brandon Welch in 2021 Top Fuel debut

Pittsburgh Power backing will propel Brandon Welch in 2021 Top Fuel debut

Andrew Wilson |

We are pleased to announce that for the 2021 season, Pittsburgh Power and Max Mileage will be the lead sponsor for the Beal Racing top fuel dragster on the NHRA Camping World Drag Racing Series. Here at Pittsburgh Power we specialize in helping Owner-Operators increase their truck’s performance, fuel mileage, and reliability. We pride ourselves in the advanced engineering that goes into our parts and service. This passion for performance stems from our founder, Bruce Mallinson’s history with Corvette racing. You may not know that Bruce held a long standing lap record at Nelson Ledges Road Course. Once the racing bug bites you, it’s a passion for life. Race cars, like semi-trucks, have to be powerful, reliable, and yes even fuel efficient. A good race car engineer applying their talents to a semi-truck will yield impressive results. We chose to sponsor Beal Racing because they share that same passion for performance. Beal Racing was founded by Chuck Beal in 1962, and is now operated by Beal’s grandsons, Brandon Welch and Tyson Porlas. Brandon is the driver while Tyson is the lead wrench in charge of rebuilding the engine after every pass on the drag strip. Brandon, the driver, has to withstand 4 Gs of force when launching the car off the line. Brandon and Tyson are not only very talented, but kind people as well. The kind of people we’re proud to represent Pittsburgh Power on the drag strip. Check out the NHRA website for the schedule of events or watch for him on cable FS1 or FS2.