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New Dealers, Air Restriction & More

New Dealers, Air Restriction & More

Andrew Wilson |

For 42 years I have found that owner-operators will tell you the truth about how a product performs on their truck. There is no BS – if the product makes a change, good or bad, they will tell you. Nobody knows their truck better than the man who owns it, drives it, and sleeps in it every day. Over the years, many products have been tested this way at our shop, and I must say, we have been very successful with owner-operator testing. If six owner-operators from different parts of the country, driving different trucks, pulling different trailers all get favorable results from a new product or tune, chances are 99% of the owner-operators will like the product.

The OEM’s test with fleets, wait for results, analyze the hell out of them, then have many board meetings to discuss the results, only to get it tabled because it’s going to add a few dollars to the cost of manufacturing an engine. As a small company that likes to do things in a big way, we by-pass all of that and go right to the man that is going to purchase the product. A prime example was the mercury-filled engine balancer: six owner-operators noticed their engine was smoother. The same is happening right now with the Max Mileage fuel catalyst, as several hundred owner-operators are testing it, and 99% have noticed a decrease in engine noise, a decrease in re-gens, a decrease in DEF consumption, more power or torque, and several are gaining fuel mileage.

The Paccar engine, as of now, is gaining the most in fuel mileage. The ISX with full emissions has gained many miles per tank of DEF that the DEF savings is more than paying for the Max Mileage product. The DD4 Detroit is quieter and the torque is increased. The DD13 and 15 Detroits are seeing a decrease in re-gens, less DEF used and more pulling power. We are even getting favorable results on 3406-E and C-15 Caterpillars. The Acert CATS will really benefit from the Max Mileage product, because the wet soot they produce called “Acert snot” is decreased by 60% or more in the intake manifold.


Duwayne Ehrke, my good snowmobile friend and fellow trucker, is going wild with the catalyst – he gained 35 miles per tank in his 1995 Harley Davidson Road King. He is also putting it in his family’s Model T Ford, and they love the results. He is even using it in his lawn mowers, and he will soon be a stocking dealer in Wisconsin. His phone number is (920) 723-7901. This winter he and I will have the Max Mileage in our snowmobiles. T&E Service Co. in Kansas City just became a stocking dealer and they are also a remote tune dealer for Pittsburgh Power. Patricia Diak, located just east of Toronto in Canada, has been in the chemical business for 35 years and is also now a stocking dealer – her number is (613) 808 1957. She is a long-distance Harley Davidson rider capable of spending 16 hours a day on a Harley and her husband drives a tri-axle dump truck using the Max Mileage catalyst.

C.D. Martin of McPherson, KS has the Max Mileage product in stock at his shop. His number is (417) 850-2830, and he will also deliver if you are along his route to Kingman, AZ every Tuesday then back through Denver, CO. He has gallons in his truck and will meet you along the way. Another one of our dealers is Jeff at Turnaround Express in Moberly, MI on Route 63 just north of Columbia. If you need any truck work, his mechanic Josh is top notch! You can contact Jeff at (660) 651-0910. This chemical works – if you’re not using the Max Mileage fuel catalyst, you are missing out on all the benefits I have been talking about.


We’ve talked a lot about letting your engine breathe in the past, but it’s never bad for a little reminder. Air flow is extremely important for the performance and reliability of your engine, so why not replace that dirty paper filter? We recently had a customer who brought his truck to the shop complaining of low boost, high EGT and poor performance. It didn’t take long to see an elbow for the intake piping had collapsed inward due to extreme air restriction. Not only that, but it actually created a dime-sized hole in the rubber, possibly letting debris into the engine. His filter had not been replaced in years, and it was filthy. The truck might as well have been trying to suck air through a plastic straw. We understand it’s easy to overlook filters, but it only takes a few minutes to inspect them. Better yet, buy a Fleet Air Filter and get in the habit of washing it every 20,000-50,000 miles, depending on its use.

As I have said before, taking care of your truck is imperative, because it feeds you and your family. Take care of it, and it will take care of you – for years to come! Call us at (724) 360-4080, stop by our shop in Saxonburg, PA or visit www.pittsburghpower.com to see all our available products and services.