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MATS 2019 and Catalyst

MATS 2019 and Catalyst

Andrew Wilson |

We attended the 2019 Mid-America Trucking Show in Louisville and wow, what a show it was this year. With over 1,000,000 Sq.-Ft. of show space, it was a challenge to see everything there. Since I’m the new guy, this was my first time there and I was overwhelmed. There was almost too much to see, from the major truck and powertrain manufacturers in the North Wing, to the hundreds of expertly modified and restored trucks in the show n’ shine, it was a lot to take in. With over 18,000 owner-operators in attendance, we were quite busy talking with our clients and answering their questions in person. It was a great opportunity to connect with fans of the Road Dog radio show who were able to meet the people behind the voices they hear every week. We received a lot of compliments on our new display setup which featured three workbenches we built in our shop. We also unveiled a few new products, the Max Mileage Fuel Catalyst, and the Safe-T-Plus steering stabilizer. Overall it was another successful year and we appreciate meeting with our fans and customers at the show.

For those of you who are dealing with aftertreatment system issues due to excessive soot, we have gotten feedback from a customer who tried our Max Mileage Fuel Borne Catalyst and the results are astonishing. Bruce Luke, an owner-operator from Hartsfield, GA, owns a 2013 Cummins ISX CM2350, 550HP engine. His troubles started with fault codes and a severe lack of engine power due to DPF issues. It cost him $6,000 to have the DPF baked and the codes cleared. Six months later he had to pay for the same repair. At this point he decided to try Max Mileage. After using it for a month he inspected his DPF and instead of seeing the usual black oily soot, he only saw a small amount of dry loose powder. He also noticed an increase in engine performance and fewer DPF regens. Now the truck only needs the occasional passive regen while driving saving him time and money. Between this, and the increased fuel mileage, Bruce Luke’s business is now more profitable. At Pittsburgh Power, we have a three pronged approach to dealing with DPF regen issues. The first is a Diesel Force complete engine cleaning to give the engine a fresh start and clean any existing carbon deposits. Then install Dorothy, the cyclonic EGR filter, to help catch soot before it enters the intake. Finally, a continual use of Max Mileage to reduce the amount of soot the engine is producing and burn off soot in the DPF.