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See the Difference!

See the Difference!

Jordan Greathouse |

 Since opening up the doors to our DPF Alternatives facility, we have restored hundreds of Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) and Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Filters (DOC) to up to 99% of their OEM specification. This is done using a combination of air-knife, flushing, bakinging in a kiln, and an ultrasonic cleaning process which has undergone extensive testing and refinement. Utilizing high-frequency sound waves at millions of impulses per second, these impulses cause microscopic bubbles to break down built-up soot, ash, and debris. Then a specially formulated solution keeps the grime from adhering to cell walls while carrying away contaminants. Not only does this save fleets and owner-operators thousands of dollars in costly replacements it also supports the overall health of the aftertreatment system by ensuring the build-up of soot does not negatively impact internal sensors leading down a rabbit hole of troubleshooting. 


Many drivers believe that the deletion of their aftertreatment system is the only way to gain fuel mileage and drive trouble free; we at Pittsburgh Power are here to tell you that that could not be further from the truth. With regular care, Max Mileage, and maintenance (and maybe a good ECM tune from our engineering staff), we have seen many drivers reach the 7/8MPG mark free of any aftertreatment issues that cause delay or frustration. 


I have seen drivers spend tens of thousands of dollars replacing entire aftertreatment systems due to being led down the incorrect path by shops that were either trying to make a quick buck or had no idea how to modify the engine adequately. Using the cleaning services by DPF Alternatives saves drivers up to $30k in parts and labor and keeps trucks running at 100%. 


Recently we have been asked if the Max Mileage fuel borne catalyst does what we claim. Where is the physical proof? In an effort to bring further evidence to our claims, I spoke with our Filter cleaning guru, Steve Shurina. Steve has been a DPF Alternatives technician since we opened and has seen everything from light dusting to oil-saturated filters out of heavy-duty, off-road vehicles. He had this to say...

“When using Max Mileage FBC at regular intervals, there is visibly less soot accumulation compared to a truck not running it. The particles are finer and far easier to remove during restoration. In place of the thick black soot that blows out in long thick spikes, you get a fine, orange-tinted powder that blows out instantly.” All you have to do is look at our images to see how much Max Mileage helps. Not only does the soot reduction of Max Mileage help the filters, but it also plays a massive part in the maintenance and cleanliness of the sensors; our friend Chris recently had an issue with his system, and he shared his story with us.


     I bought a 2019 Freightliner Cascadia with a DD15, DT12 direct drive, and 2.28 rears, assuming that it was spec’d well enough to run at 65 mph and not need to use the Max Mileage Fuel Borne Catalyst and not have emissions system-related problems. Under this assumption, I set out to run the truck for 30 days without using additives.


After 2 1/2 weeks of running the truck, the MIL came on, throwing a code (SPN 4364 FMI 18). I learned about it after online research (Selective Catalyst Reduction NOx Conversion Low). Additional digging into this issue suggested that a 28-step, dealer-level diagnostic process to determine the actual cause would likely require 8-12 hours of labor and even more time to repair or replace any faulty components discovered along the way. At a $150/hr shop labor rate, it could mean a minimum bill of $1,200 on the low side, and possibly several thousand dollars more, depending on what they did to try and fix it.


Since the truck seemed to be running without any problems, the next time I filled up my tanks, I began to dose my fuel with the catalyst going forward. No noticeable change developed for the first three days after. On the morning of the 4th day, I started the truck and observed that the MIL had finally gone out. It’s been about a month since then, and I haven’t had any problems, lights, or warnings come up since, and I’m convinced that the Max Mileage Fuel Borne Catalyst is the reason why not.


After this experience, I will continue to use the catalyst for the rest of the time I own this truck.


Written by:

Jordan Greathouse

Chris Kyle, Landstar BCO


Pittsburgh Power inc.

3600 S. Noah Drive

Saxonburg, PA, 16056

(724) 360-4080




Using Max Mileage

Without Max Mileage