Welcome to Pittsburgh Power

Shop Hours - Mon-Fri - 7:00 am to 3:30 pm Office Hours - Mon-Fri - 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Certified Cummins Dealer

Dyno Tuning & Diagnostics

The only Dynomometer you need

We have a heavy-duty dynamometer here at Pittsburgh Power with a one-of-a-kind locking system. No more cumbersome chaining of tires and axles, If you have a fifth wheel, we can seamlessly install your truck and get results. Your vehicle isn't going anywhere during the pull. Don't have a fifth wheel? No problem! We can move our locking mechanism and chain your truck down in the standard fashion. We can do it all with this awesome piece of equipment.

Our Dyno is most commonly used for diagnosing mechanical and performance issues. Often customers will visit us with difficult to diagnose problems like a lack of performance, fuel mileage, or odd behavior/noises. The Dyno lets us see exactly what the truck is doing while simulating everyday driving and can help save you on diagnostic time. We can also help you get the most power out of your truck with our live performance tuning. 

Emissions Testing

Emissions problems are becoming more common with older emissions equipped trucks. We have invested in emissions testing equipment to diagnose, repair, and test your emissions equipment to make sure the truck is functioning properly.


Heres an example of our Dyno in action